20 Online Mandatory Training Courses
3 Hour Practical Assessment £125

Are your staff up to date with Mandatory training and practical assessments?
We have developed a Blended Learning Mandatory Training Package to help you in this difficult time?

Available to both new and exciting staff members and includes the following:

Equality & Diversity
Fire Safety
Food Hygiene – Level 2 Catering
Health & Safety Awareness
Infection Control
Medication Management
Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Manual Handling of Objects
Nutrition & Hydration
Oral Health
Person-Centered Care
Positive Behavioral Support
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Moving & Handling of People
Basic Life Support
Preventing Radicalisation
Information Governance

On-Site Delivery or Classroom Based
In addition to our frequent open courses, we can deliver this course on site from just £45 pp for up to 12 delegates.
Call: 0121 558 9095 or email hello@passion4training.co.uk for more information.

Just want the 3 x hour Practical Assessment?
Moving & Handling + Basic Life Support
